Tuesday, December 7th

CAMAteens Christmas party will be tomorrow at lunch in the auditorium. Pizza will be served. Bring your own drink & a treat to share with the group!

Thanks to all SADD members that braved the cold Sunday to go out and ring bells for the Salvation Army. Your service is greatly appreciated by many. Also another reminder to get dues paid: if you want to be a member you must pay dues!!

For those students helping with the D.A.R.E. program - The classes are scheduled for THIS WEEK.---- Dec 07, 08, & 09.

Come see your peers perform this weekend at the "Christmas/Pops" concert this Saturday at 7pm in Ernie Eveland Gymansium. The PCHS Symphonic Band will be performing some of your favorite Christmas tunes as well as music from Harry Potter! Admission is free to everyone! Hope to see you there!

The following students still owe for their chorus shirts: Kaylea Swinford, Lauren Swinford, Macy Young, Alex Sanders, Kaytlin Tague, Mary-Hunter Smittkamp, Daisey Brenneman, Alex Jones, and Jasmine Wesley. The following students still need to pick up their chorus shirts: Ally Jones and Meredith Blanford. If you are having problems coming up with the money, please see Ms. Hiddle ASAP. You can pay her only during the afternoon or pay Rachel Givens anytime!

Senior shirts are in. Pick them up at Ms. Seaton's room asap.

Juniors you are reminded that you must have all money and magazine orders due in to Mrs. Phegley or Mrs. Skelton by THIS Friday. If you have not been out selling, please do so. It is important that we collect from all of you in order to make this prom amazing. There are several teachers that have not been approached about renewing magazines so please check with your teachers! Get out there and sell!

I Sing the Body Electric will be here today at lunch in Mrs. McFatridge’s room. Anyone still wanting to participate needs to come. Including – Rebecca Sexton, Katrisha Sexton, Erica Sheeran, Brooke Hunter, Millie Arp, Shane Hawkins, and Kelli Cook. Any questions, please see Mrs. McFatridge ASAP.

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