Monday, December 6th

For those students helping with the D.A.R.E. program - The classes are scheduled for THIS WEEK.---- Dec 07, 08, & 09.

The following students still owe for their chorus shirts: Kaylea Swinford, Lauren Swinford, Macy Young, Alex Sanders, Kaytlin Tague, Mary-Hunter Smittkamp, Daisey Brenneman, Alex Jones, and Jasmine Wesley. The following students still need to pick up their chorus shirts: Ally Jones and Meredith Blanford. If you are having problems coming up with the money, please see Ms. Hiddle ASAP. You can pay her only during the afternoon or pay Rachel Givens anytime!

Senior shirts are in. Pick them up at Ms. Seaton's room asap.

A reminder to all junior, to keep selling and renewing magazines and earn your ticket to prom! Bring your money to homeroom each day. Your homeroom teacher will let you know who is collecting for your room!

I Sing the Body Electric will be here Tuesday, December 7th at lunch in Mrs. McFatridge’s room. Anyone still wanting to participate needs to come. Including – Rebecca Sexton, Katrisha Sexton, Erica Sheeran, Brooke Hunter, Millie Arp, Shane Hawkins, and Kelli Cook. Any questions, please see Mrs. McFatridge ASAP.

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