Friday, December 17

Internship Journals are due today by 3:30 p.m. For the weeks starting 2nd quarter to Thursday Dec. 16th.

Students if you are in need of a job Citizens Bank is looking for a Coop student. Please see Mr. Thomas in Guidance if you are interested in Coop and a job.

Looking for somewhere to take your mind off the upcoming finals? Well, come join SADD for our Christmas Party on today at lunch. We will have some cookies, but bring your own lunch. After we eat we will go caroling around the school. So come to Ms. E's room for a fun time!!

Any person who would like to purchase a senior shirt, see Ms. Seaton to order. Roxie's said that they would print more if we could collect more than 12 orders. Cost will be $10 per shirt and signatures cannot be added. Please have your payment ready when ordering.

Intramural Basketball starts Sunday, Jan. 9th. Teams and times are posted across from main office. You must have a code and waiver turned in to Coach Gosnell before you can play!

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