Week of April 25th

PSAE TESTING - APRIL 27th, 28th - Juniors go to your assigned room at 7:50 a.m. Bring 2--- # 2 pencils, calculator, and Photo I.D. NO CELL PHONES, I-PODS, ETC. NO MECHANICAL PENCILS. NO FOOD OR DRINKS

Coop & intern students - if you have not turned in all of your work hours, need to turn them into Brenda Reed in Student Services ASAP.

Southern Illinois University @ Carbondale Representative, Rachel Harvel, will be here May 4, 2011 for a visit. See Student Services for a pass if you need or want to speak with her.

Attention Seniors: The Tanner Laughlin Performing Arts Fund Scholarship is now available. Deadline for the application is May 9th. See Mrs. Wegner if you have any questions.

Mrs. Wright will meet with all returning girls tennis players and any high school girls interested in playing tennis next season on Thursday, May 12 at 3:20 in the library.

ANY SENIOR WHO WOULD LIKE TO CO-OP AT (IDOT) Illinois Department of Transportation next year. See Mr. Thomas in Student Services.

Students who have failed a required class: Summer School will run May 31st to July 1st 8 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Pick-up applications in Student Services.

Key Club will be meeting on Friday mornings at 7:45 in the auditorium.