Tuesday, November 30

Order your 2011 yearbook for ONLY $40 before school at 7:30am or after school this Wednesday. Orders will be taken at Ms. Seaton's room #37. The yearbook will only be this price for one day only!!!!!!

Senior shirts are in. Pick them up at Ms. Seaton's room asap.

Would the following students meet in the library on Wednesday December 01 @ 7:30AM:
Seniors - Clay Bess, Drew Harper, Madison Henness, & Corie Hasler
Juniors - Jennifer Woodyard, Damon Daugherty, Robert Hodgson, Clay Mason, & Jackie Frisz
This is in reference to helping out with the area D.A.R.E. program.

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 841 Apprenticeship and Training Trust are accepting applications beginning Monday, January 3, 2011 through Monday, January 31, 2011. Must be 18. Read notice on Guidance bulletin board.

Anyone interested in playing intra-mural basketball on Sundays should sign up on the bulletin board across from the main office. You must have an extra-curricular code and waiver turned in before you can play. Any questions, see Coach Gosnell.

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