Thursday, Oct. 28th

The Hangar Board Halloween Dance has been canceled for tonight.

Reminder: Lunch on the Lawn will be held today at the church on the other side of the public library today for juniors and seniors. Free food!

SENIORS...Are you interested in becoming a teacher? Is your GPA 2.5 or above? See Guidance for information on winning up to $23,000 in addition to the valuable Summer Institute experiences. Time is of the essence...DEADLINE is Nov. 1st.

SADD will be having Highway Cleanup in November. All SADD members need to help if possible. There is a sign up sheet in Ms. E's room. Please sign up if you plan to help. Cookies and drinks will be provided after we are done. This is a great community service, so come help us out!

Illinois State University @ Bloomington college representative will be here on Nov. 2nd at 1PM. If you have interest in speaking with them, come to Guidance for a pass.

Navy recruiters will be here on Nov. 3rd during the noon hour in the main hall.

Seniors! Order your senior shirt in Ms. Seaton's room before or after school or at lunch. Deadline to order is Thursday, November 4th. You must have payment of $9 when ordering.
Please come in to sign the back of the shirt regardless of whether you place an order.

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

PLAN REALITY @ IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE has been scheduled for the fall semester on Friday, November 19, 2010. Check in will be at 8:45AM and be followed by a variety of informational sessions, including an opportunity to learn more about the programs Ivy Tech has to offer. Reservation forms are available on-line: DEADLINE IS 11/5/2010.

I sing the body Electric will be here on Tuesday Nov. 9th at lunch. They will be meeting in Mrs. McFatridge’s room for anyone who would like to sign up and start a project. If you can't make this time please see Mrs. McFatridge.

Sophomore and junior young men interested in the medical field and want to attend Scrubs Day on Wed. Nov. 15th. See Mr. Thomas in Guidance.

Attention all PCHS students! Get an act together for auditions on Tuesday, November 16th! You just might make it into our Talent Show! Paris' Got Talent will be held on Tuesday, November 23 just before Thanksgiving break!

Any boys or girls who would like to play tennis. The courts will be open on Monday and Wednesdays at 3.45. Also, conditioning at the YMCA: Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school. Questions see Mrs. McFatridge.