Monday, Nov. 1st

Any boys or girls who would like to play tennis. The courts will be open on Monday and Wednesdays at 3:45. Also, conditioning at the YMCA: Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school. Questions see Mrs. McFatridge.

Illinois State University @ Bloomington college representative will be here on 11/2/2010 at 1PM. If you have interest in speaking with them, come to Guidance for a pass.

Navy recruiters will be here on 11/3/2010 during the noon hour in the main hall

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

PR DAY...PLAN REALITY @ IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE has been scheduled for the fall semester on Friday, November 19, 2010. Check in will be at 8:45AM and be followed by a variety of informational sessions, including an opportunity to learn more about the programs Ivy Tech has to offer. Reservation forms are available on-line: DEADLINE IS 11/5/2010.

SADD Members: please give dues to Ms. Earlywine, Jedd Powers, or Morgen Englum.

SADD will be having Highway Cleanup on Sunday, November 7th at 2pm. All SADD members need to help if possible. There is a sign up sheet in Ms. E's room. Please sign up if you plan to help. Cookies and drinks will be provided after we are done. This is a great community service, so come help us out!

I sing the body Electric will be here on Tuesday Nov. 9th at lunch. They will be meeting in Mrs. McFatridge’s room for anyone who would like to sign up and start a project. If you can't make this time please see Mrs. McFatridge.

Seniors! Order your senior shirt in Ms. Seaton's room before or after school or at lunch. Deadline to order is Thursday, November 4th. You must have payment of $9 when ordering.
Please come in to sign the back of the shirt regardless of whether you place an order.

Sophomore and junior young men interested in the medical field and want to attend Scrubs Day on Wed. Nov. 15th. See Mr. Thomas in Guidance.

Paris’s Got Talent
Step 1) Have talent
Step 2) Have desire to show off that talent
Step 3) Sign up outside Mr. Lynch's room
Step 4) Practice that talent
Step 5) Try out after school on Tuesday, November 16th
Step 6) (If step 5 is successful) Perform in front of the school on Tuesday, November 23rd.

Thursday, Oct. 28th

The Hangar Board Halloween Dance has been canceled for tonight.

Reminder: Lunch on the Lawn will be held today at the church on the other side of the public library today for juniors and seniors. Free food!

SENIORS...Are you interested in becoming a teacher? Is your GPA 2.5 or above? See Guidance for information on winning up to $23,000 in addition to the valuable Summer Institute experiences. Time is of the essence...DEADLINE is Nov. 1st.

SADD will be having Highway Cleanup in November. All SADD members need to help if possible. There is a sign up sheet in Ms. E's room. Please sign up if you plan to help. Cookies and drinks will be provided after we are done. This is a great community service, so come help us out!

Illinois State University @ Bloomington college representative will be here on Nov. 2nd at 1PM. If you have interest in speaking with them, come to Guidance for a pass.

Navy recruiters will be here on Nov. 3rd during the noon hour in the main hall.

Seniors! Order your senior shirt in Ms. Seaton's room before or after school or at lunch. Deadline to order is Thursday, November 4th. You must have payment of $9 when ordering.
Please come in to sign the back of the shirt regardless of whether you place an order.

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

PLAN REALITY @ IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE has been scheduled for the fall semester on Friday, November 19, 2010. Check in will be at 8:45AM and be followed by a variety of informational sessions, including an opportunity to learn more about the programs Ivy Tech has to offer. Reservation forms are available on-line: DEADLINE IS 11/5/2010.

I sing the body Electric will be here on Tuesday Nov. 9th at lunch. They will be meeting in Mrs. McFatridge’s room for anyone who would like to sign up and start a project. If you can't make this time please see Mrs. McFatridge.

Sophomore and junior young men interested in the medical field and want to attend Scrubs Day on Wed. Nov. 15th. See Mr. Thomas in Guidance.

Attention all PCHS students! Get an act together for auditions on Tuesday, November 16th! You just might make it into our Talent Show! Paris' Got Talent will be held on Tuesday, November 23 just before Thanksgiving break!

Any boys or girls who would like to play tennis. The courts will be open on Monday and Wednesdays at 3.45. Also, conditioning at the YMCA: Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school. Questions see Mrs. McFatridge.

Thursday, October 28th

Attention all PCHS students! What are you good at? Is there something you can do that no one else can? Are you a singer? Do you make your friends laugh? What makes you so special??? Can you dance or juggle or tumble? Well, here's your chance to show us your talent!!! Get an act together for auditions on Tuesday, November 16th! You just might make it into our Talent Show, complete with celebrity judges! Paris' Got Talent will be held on Tuesday, November 23 just before Thanksgiving break!

Follow the music at lunchtime tomorrow, because you don’t want to miss out on “Lunch on the Lawn!” Free tacos for seniors and nachos for juniors – and the other way around, too – along with lots of homemade desserts and extra ice-cold drinks. And it’s all free – including the music, and the love. No tricks, Just treats!

SADD dues are $5 and need to be paid by ALL members ASAP!!! Give them to Ms. Earlywine, Jedd Powers, or Morgen Englum. This week is Red Ribbon Week, and today we are wearing are wearing RED to show that we are drug-free! Participate tomorrow by wearing your clothes inside out to show that we won’t let drugs turn us inside out! Also, check out our signs for any other upcoming events!

I sing the body Electric will be here on Tuesday Nov. 9th at lunch. They will be meeting in Mrs. McFatridge’s room for anyone who would like to sign up and start a project. If you can't make this time please see Mrs. McFatridge.

Any boys or girls who would like to play tennis. The courts will be open on Monday and Wednesdays at 3.45. Also, conditioning at the YMCA: Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school. Questions see Mrs. McFatridge.

Seniors! Order your senior shirt in Ms. Seaton's room before or after school or at lunch. Deadline to order is Thursday, November 4th. You must have payment of $9 when ordering.
Please come in to sign the back of the shirt regardless of whether you place an order.

Sophomore and junior young men interested in the medical field and want to attend Scrubs Day on Wed. Nov. 15th. See Mr. Thomas in Guidance.

SENIORS...Are you interested in becoming a teacher? Is your GPA 2.5 or above? See Guidance for information on winning up to $23,000 in addition to the valuable Summer Institute experiences. Time is of the essence...DEADLINE is 11/1/2010

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

PR DAY...PLAN REALITY @ IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE has been scheduled for the fall semester on Friday, November 19, 2010. Check in will be at 8:45AM and be followed by a variety of informational sessions, including an opportunity to learn more about the programs Ivy Tech has to offer. You will have access to classrooms and labs to learn more about the profession you would like to study. Reservation forms are available on-line: DEADLINE IS 11/5/2010.

Wednesday, October 27th

Attention all PCHS students! What are you good at? Is there something you can do that no one else can? Are you a singer? Do you make your friends laugh? What makes you so special??? Can you dance or juggle or tumble? Well, here's your chance to show us your talent!!! Get an act together for auditions on Tuesday, November 16th! You just might make it into our Talent Show, complete with celebrity judges! Paris' Got Talent will be held on Tuesday, November 23 just before Thanksgiving break!

Calling all teachers and faculty – you need to know that you are also invited to “Lunch on the Lawn” on Friday. You can eat where you always do – how booooring – or you can come where the excitement is! And you don’t have to work, or supervise, or be responsible, you’ll get to eat! And act like a 17-year-old again! So leave your mask at school; come be the real you at the FCC “Lunch on the Lawn.”

SADD dues are $5 and need to be paid by ALL members ASAP!!! Give them to Ms. Earlywine, Jedd Powers, or Morgen Englum.
This week is Red Ribbon Week, and today we are wearing team shirts to Team Up Against Drugs! Participate in all the fun Dress Up days we have planned:
Tomorrow: Wear RED to show you are drug free
Friday: Don't Let Drugs Turn You Inside Out (wear clothes inside out)
Also, check out our signs for any other upcoming events!

I sing the body Electric will be here on Tuesday Nov. 9th at lunch. THey will be meeting in Mrs. McFatridges room for anyone who would like to sign up and start a project. If you can't make this time please see Mrs. McFatridge.

Also, Any boys or girls who would like to play tennis. The courts will be open on Monday and Wednesdays at 3.45. Also, conditioning at the YMCA: Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school. Questions see Mrs. McFatridge.

There will be a Girls Basketball parent meeting at 5:45pm today.

Seniors! Order your senior shirt in Ms. Seaton's room before or after school or at lunch. Deadline to order is Thursday, November 4th. You must have payment of $9 when ordering.
Please come in to sign the back of the shirt regardless of whether you place an order.

Sophomore and junior young men interested in the medical field and want to attend Scrubs Day on Wed. Nov. 15th. See Mr. Thomas in Guidance.

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

Tuesday, Oct. 26th

Don’t R.I.P. – Come to L.O.L. If your skeleton is looking kind of scrawny, come fill it up with tacos and nachos, fruit, caramel corn, puppy chow! Or, if you skull is pretty buff, come show it off – to all the other seniors and juniors. The candy can wait – till you leave (hint), so come get the good stuff at First Christian Church.

SADD dues are $5 and need to be paid by ALL members ASAP!!! Give them to Ms. Earlywine, Jedd Powers, or Morgen Englum.
This week is Red Ribbon Week, and today we are wearing crazy socks to Sock it to Drugs! Participate in all the fun Dress Up days we have planned:
Tomorrow: Team Up Against Drugs (wear team shirts)
Thursday: Wear RED to show you are drug free
Friday: Don't Let Drugs Turn You Inside Out (wear clothes inside out)
Also, check out our signs for any other upcoming events!

I sing the body Electric will be here on Tuesday Nov. 9th at lunch. THey will be meeting in Mrs. McFatridges room for anyone who would like to sign up and start a project. If you can't make this time please see Mrs. McFatridge.

Also, Any boys or girls who would like to play tennis. The courts will be open on Monday and Wednesdays from 3.45?. Also conditioning at the YMCA tuesdays and thursdays right after school. Questions see Mrs. McFatridge.

There will be a Girls Basketball parent meeting at 5:45 on Oct. 27th.

Seniors! Order your senior shirt in Ms. Seaton's room before or after school or at lunch. Deadline to order is Thursday, November 4th. You must have payment of $9 when ordering.
Please come in to sign the back of the shirt regardless of whether you place an order.

Tonight, the Marching Tigers will be giving an indoor concert featuring the Music of Billy Joel. The concert is at 7:00 pm in Ernie Eveland Gymnasium and is free to the public, but donations are more than welcome! We hope to see you there!

Sophomore and junior young men interested in the medical field and want to attend Scrubs Day on Wed. Nov. 15th. See Mr. Thomas in Guidance.

Internship students you may pick up your journals in the office. The journals have been graded, if you choose not to pick up yours they will be discarded.

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

Monday, October 25th

SADD dues are $5 and need to be paid by ALL members ASAP!!! Give them to Ms. Earlywine, Jedd Powers, or Morgen Englum.
This week is Red Ribbon Week, and today we are wearing boots to Stomp Out Drugs! Participate in all the fun Dress Up days we have planned:
Tomorrow: Sock it to Drugs (wear crazy socks)
Wednesday: Team Up Against Drugs (wear team shirts)
Thursday: Wear RED to show you are drug free
Friday: Don't Let Drugs Turn You Inside Out (wear clothes inside out)
Also, check out our signs for any other upcoming events!

Seniors! Order your senior shirt in Ms. Seaton's room before or after school or at lunch. Deadline to order is Thursday, November 4th. You must have payment of $9 when ordering.
Please come in to sign the back of the shirt regardless of whether you place an order.

Congratulations to Erika Walden for being selected as the November Musician of the Month sponsored by the Edgar County Bank and Trust. Please See Mr. Tripp for details.

Sophomore and junior young men interested in the medical field and want to attend Scrubs Day on Wed. Nov. 15th. See Mr. Thomas in Guidance.

Internship students you may pick up your journals in the office. The journals have been graded, if you choose not to pick up yours they will be discarded.

Class rings will be delivered October 26 before school begins.

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE" is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

Thursday, October 21st

SADD dues are $5 and need to be paid by ALL members ASAP!!! Give them to Ms. Earlywine, Jedd Powers, or Morgen Englum.

Red Ribbon Week is coming up soon! Next week in fact! Participate in all the fun Dress Up days we have planned:
Monday: Stomp Out Drugs (wear boots)
Tuesday: Sock it to Drugs (wear crazy socks)
Wednesday: Team Up Against Drugs (wear team shirts)
Thursday: Wear RED to show you are drug free
Friday: Don't Let Drugs Turn You Inside Out (wear clothes inside out)
Also, check out our signs for any other upcoming events!

Seniors! Order your senior shirt in Ms. Seaton's room before or after school or at lunch. Deadline to order is Thursday, November 4th. You must have payment of $9 when ordering.
Please come in to sign the back of the shirt regardless of whether you place an order.

Congratulations to Erika Walden for being selected as the November Musician of the Month sponsored by the Edgar County Bank and Trust. Please See Mr. Tripp for details.

Sophomore and junior young men interested in the medical field and want to attend Scrubs Day on Wed. Nov. 15th. See Mr. Thomas in Guidance.

Internship students you may pick up your journals in the office. The journals have been graded, if you choose not to pick up yours they will be discarded.

Class rings will be delivered October 26 before school begins.

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE" is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

Indiana State University Representative, Lisa Stein, will be visiting here on today at 1PM. If you need to speak with her regarding admission or any other questions you might have...see Guidance for a pass.

Wednesday, October 20th

Congratulations to Alex Bayless and Jamie Vice for making State in Girls’ Tennis. Alex got first at Sectionals out of 24 students, and Jamie got fourth.

The PCHS Bands are selling cheesecakes again! Please see Mr. Tripp or any band member to purchase some delicious cheesecake.


Class rings will be delivered October 26 before school begins.

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE" is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

Indiana State University Representative, Lisa Stein, will be visiting here on Oct 21st at 1PM. If you need to speak with her regarding admission or any other questions you might have...see Guidance for a pass.

Tuesday, Oct. 19th

Ms. Henson will be out of the building all day today. All groups and sessions with her will be cancelled for today.

Congratulations to the following individuals for being accepted to the All-District Festival for IMEA: Erica Walden, clarinet and Brady Smith, percussion in the Band division. Alex Elmore, percussion for Orchestra division and Jazz Band Division. Their hard work has led them to be the top musicians in the area. Congratulations once again!

The PCHS Bands are selling cheesecakes again! Please see Mr. Tripp or any band member to purchase some delicious cheesecake.


STARLeaders will have a meeting today during lunch in the Rec Room.

Class rings will be delivered October 26 before school begins.

Paris' Got Talent! That is the theme of this year's yearbook and the Arena is asking all our talented students at PCHS to create the cover for our yearbook! We will choose one design on November 5th. Your design must be in a jpeg file format and at least 300 dpi. Please submit your creations digitally to Arena's email:

Seniors! We will be taking an ALL-SENIOR pic on the football field on Wednesday, November 10th at 3:30pm! We will also be taking an ALL-CRESTWOOD (for those who have grown up together and went to Crestwood) and an ALL-MAYO pic (for all those Mayo kids). Be there to get your pic with all your friends of 18 plus years!!!

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE" is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

Indiana State University Representative, Lisa Stein, will be visiting here on Oct 21st at 1PM. If you need to speak with her regarding admission or any other questions you might have...see Guidance for a pass.

Monday, October 18th

Congratulations to the following individuals for being accepted to the All-District Festival for IMEA: Erica Walden, clarinet and Brady Smith, percussion in the Band division. Alex Elmore, percussion for Orchestra division and Jazz Band Division. Their hard work has led them to be the top musicians in the area. Congratulations once again!

The PCHS Bands are selling cheesecakes again! Please see Mr. Tripp or any band member to purchase some delicious cheesecake.


There will be a TARS meeting at lunch today in the Art Room. There will be pizza, please bring a dollar to contribute for lunch.

STARLeaders will have a meeting Tuesday October 19th during lunch in the Rec Room.

Class rings will be delivered October 26 before school begins.

Paris' Got Talent! That is the theme of this year's yearbook and the Arena is asking all our talented students at PCHS to create the cover for our yearbook! We will choose one design on November 5th. Your design must be in a jpeg file format and at least 300 dpi. Please submit your creations digitally to Arena's email:

Seniors! We will be taking an ALL-SENIOR pic on the football field on Wednesday, November 10th at 3:30pm! We will also be taking an ALL-CRESTWOOD (for those who have grown up together and went to Crestwood) and an ALL-MAYO pic (for all those Mayo kids). Be there to get your pic with all your friends of 18 plus years!!!

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE" is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

Indiana State University Representative, Lisa Stein, will be visiting here on 10/21/2010 @ 1PM. If you need to speak with her regarding admission or any other questions you might have...see Guidance for a pass.

Thursday, October 14th

There will be a TARS meeting at lunch on Monday in the Art Room. There will be pizza, please bring a dollar to contribute for lunch.

Class rings will be delivered October 26 before school begins.

Congratulations to the following individuals for being accepted to the All-District Festival for IMEA: Erica Walden, clarinet and Brady Smith, percussion in the Band division. Alex Elmore, percussion for Orchestra division and Jazz Band Division. Their hard work has led them to be the top musicians in the area. Congratulations once again!

The PCHS Bands are selling cheesecakes again! Please see Mr. Tripp or any band member to purchase some delicious cheesecake.

Paris' Got Talent! That is the theme of this year's yearbook and the Arena is asking all our talented students at PCHS to create the cover for our yearbook! We will choose one design on November 5th. Your design must be in a jpeg file format and at least 300 dpi. Please submit your creations digitally to Arena's email:

Seniors! We will be taking an ALL-SENIOR pic on the football field on Wednesday, November 10th at 3:30pm! We will also be taking an ALL-CRESTWOOD (for those who have grown up together and went to Crestwood) and an ALL-MAYO pic (for all those Mayo kids). Be there to get your pic with all your friends of 18 plus years!!!

Attention Key Club Members: we will meet Friday, October 15th at 7:45am.

All Girls Basketball Players need to be in the gym at 3:30pm on October 14 to order shoes. If you cannot make it please let Bob know your shoe size.


Intern journals are due October 15th by 3:30 p.m. Please turn journals into Mrs. Smith in the office. The journal is for the weeks of August 25th - October 14th. Students if you have questions please feel free to ask Mr. Thomas in guidance.

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE" is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

Indiana State University Representative, Lisa Stein, will be visiting here on 10/21/2010 @ 1PM. If you need to speak with her regarding admission or any other questions you might have...see Guidance for a pass.

Wednesday, October 13th

Anyone interested in being in Jazz Ensemble this year, please attend a meeting at 7:15 am this Thursday morning.

The PCHS Bands are selling cheesecakes again! Please see Mr. Tripp or any band member to purchase some delicious cheesecake.

Paris' Got Talent! That is the theme of this year's yearbook and the Arena is asking all our talented students at PCHS to create the cover for our yearbook! We will choose one design on November 5th. Your design must be in a jpeg file format and at least 300 dpi. Please submit your creations digitally to Arena's email:

Seniors! We will be taking an ALL-SENIOR pic on the football field on Wednesday, November 10th at 3:30pm! We will also be taking an ALL-CRESTWOOD (for those who have grown up together and went to Crestwood) and an ALL-MAYO pic (for all those Mayo kids). Be there to get your pic with all your friends of 18 plus years!!!

Attention Key Club Members: we will meet Friday, October 15th at 7:45am.

All Girls Basketball Players need to be in the gym at 3:30pm on October 14 to order shoes. If you cannot make it please let Bob know your shoe size.


Juniors or Seniors interested in taking the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test must register in the Guidance office Oct. 1st to Oct. 7th. The test will be given the morning of Oct. 27th in the Auditorium. There is no fee.

Intern journals are due October 15th by 3:30 p.m. Please turn journals into Mrs. Smith in the office. The journal is for the weeks of August 25th - October 14th. Students if you have questions please feel free to ask Mr. Thomas in guidance.

DISCOVER LAKE LAND COLLEGE" is being held on November 5th. Any senior interested in going needs to register online at:

Tuesday, October 12

Paris' Got Talent! That is the theme of this year's yearbook and the Arena is asking all our talented students at PCHS to create the cover for our yearbook! We will choose one design on November 5th. Your design must be in a jpeg file format and at least 300 dpi. Please submit your creations digitally to Arena's email:

Seniors! We will be taking an ALL-SENIOR pic on the football field on Wednesday, November 10th at 3:30pm! We will also be taking an ALL-CRESTWOOD (for those who have grown up together and went to Crestwood) and an ALL-MAYO pic (for all those Mayo kids). Be there to get your pic with all your friends of 18 plus years!!!

Attention Key Club Members: we will meet Friday, October 15th at 7:45am.

All Girls Basketball Players need to be in the gym at 3:30pm on October 14 to order shoes. If you cannot make it please let Bob know your shoe size.


Juniors or Seniors interested in taking the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test must register in the Guidance office Oct. 1st to Oct. 7th. The test will be given the morning of Oct. 27th in the Auditorium. There is no fee.

Intern journals are due October 15th by 3:30 p.m. Please turn journals into Mrs. Smith in the office. The journal is for the weeks of August 25th - October 14th. Students if you have questions please feel free to ask Mr. Thomas in guidance.

Thursday, October 7th

Paris' Got Talent! That is the theme of this year's yearbook and the Arena is asking all our talented students at PCHS to create the cover for our yearbook! We will choose one design on November 5th. Your design must be in a jpeg file format and at least 300 dpi. Please submit your creations digitally to Arena's email:

Seniors! We will be taking an ALL-SENIOR pic on the football field on Wednesday, November 10th at 3:30pm! We will also be taking an ALL-CRESTWOOD (for those who have grown up together and went to Crestwood) and an ALL-MAYO pic (for all those Mayo kids). Be there to get your pic with all your friends of 18 plus years!!!

Make sure to support your tiger football team as they make their way towards the playoffs. Next game is tomorrow at Olney.

Attention Key Club Members: Since the meeting for this morning was canceled, we will meet Friday, October 15th at 7:45am.

All Girls Basketball Players need to be in the gym at 3:30pm on October 14 to order shoes. If you cannot make it please let Bob know your shoe size.


The bus for all IMEA auditions will leave next Monday at 6:45 am. Please meet in the band room that morning.

We still have spots open for the Jazz Ensemble of PCHS. Please see Mr. Tripp for audition details. The first practice is at 7 am Thursday.

Any drama student who is in the fall play or plans to be in the spring production of Beauty and the Beast and want to order a drama club shirt needs to see Mr. Lynch in Room 24 by this Thursday, October 7th. Cost of the shirt will be approximately $11.00.

Juniors or Seniors interested in taking the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test must register in the Guidance office Oct. 1st to Oct. 7th. The test will be given the morning of Oct. 27th in the Auditorium. There is no fee.

Intern journals are due October 15th by 3:30 p.m. Please turn journals into Mrs. Smith in the office. The journal is for the weeks of August 25th - October 14th. Students if you have questions please feel free to ask Mr. Thomas in guidance.

Wednesday, October 6th

Festival is Oct. 25th!!!

Robert Hodgson
Nic Chittick
Meredith Blanford
Hannah King
Becca Burch
Leslie Cates
Jackie Frisz
Alex Stidham
Emily Turner
Hannah Dougherty
Morgen Englum
Jennifer Woodyard


There will be an art club meeting today at Lunch in the Art room.

Any student that has signed up for Jazz Lab Band, our first interest meeting is today at 3:30 pm in the Band Room. Please see Mr. Tripp if you cannot attend.

The bus for all IMEA auditions will leave next Monday at 6:45 am. Please meet in the band room that morning.

We still have spots open for the Jazz Ensemble of PCHS. Please see Mr. Tripp for audition details. The first practice is at 7 am Thursday.

Congratulations to Jorgi Henson for being selected for as the October Musician of the Month sponsored by the Edgar County Bank and Trust. Please see Mr. Tripp for details.

Congratulations to the Drum Majors of the Marching Tigers for placing 2nd in their class this past Saturday at Robinson.

Any drama student who is in the fall play or plans to be in the spring production of Beauty and the Beast and want to order a drama club shirt needs to see Mr. Lynch in Room 24 by this Thursday, October 7th. Cost of the shirt will be approximately $11.00.

Juniors or Seniors interested in taking the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test must register in the Guidance office Oct. 1st to Oct. 7th. The test will be given the morning of Oct. 27th in the Auditorium. There is no fee.

There will be an information scholastic bowl meeting today during lunch hour in room 2. See Mr. Happ if you are unable to attend.

Intern journals are due October 15th by 3:30 p.m. Please turn journals into Mrs. Smith in the office. The journal is for the weeks of August 25th - October 14th. Students if you have questions please feel free to ask Mr. Thomas in guidance.

Tuesday, Oct. 5th

There is a prom committee meeting during lunch today in the rec room.

There will be an art club meeting this Wednesday at Lunch in the Art room.

Any student that has signed up for Jazz Lab Band, our first interest meeting is this Wednesday at 3:30 pm in the Band Room. Please see Mr. Tripp if you cannot attend.

The bus for all IMEA auditions will leave next Monday at 6:45 am. Please meet in the band room that morning.

We still have spots open for the Jazz Ensemble of PCHS. Please see Mr. Tripp for audition details. The first practice is at 7 am Thursday.

Congratulations to Jorgi Henson for being selected for as the October Musician of the Month sponsored by the Edgar County Bank and Trust. Please see Mr. Tripp for details.

Congratulations to the Drum Majors of the Marching Tigers for placing 2nd in their class this past Saturday at Robinson.

Any drama student who is in the fall play or plans to be in the spring production of Beauty and the Beast and want to order a drama club shirt needs to see Mr. Lynch in Room 24 by this Thursday, October 7th. Cost of the shirt will be approximately $11.00.

Juniors or Seniors interested in taking the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test must register in the Guidance office Oct. 1st to Oct. 7th. The test will be given the morning of Oct. 27th in the Auditorium. There is no fee.

There will be an information scholastic bowl meeting on Wednesday, October 6 during lunch hour in room 2. See Mr. Happ if you are unable to attend.

Intern journals are due October 15th by 3:30 p.m. Please turn journals into Mrs. Smith in the office. The journal is for the weeks of August 25th - October 14th. Students if you have questions please feel free to ask Mr. Thomas in guidance.

Monday, October 4th

Juniors or Seniors interested in taking the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test must register in the Guidance office Oct. 1st to Oct. 7th. The test will be given the morning of Oct. 27th in the Auditorium. There is no fee.


There will be an information scholastic bowl meeting on Wednesday, October 6 during lunch hour in room 2. See Mr. Happ if you are unable to attend.

SENIORS: If you are planning on applying or have been accepted to Indiana State University in the fall of 2011 and your major is in business education, come see Guidance ASAP